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영어신문 유용한 표현 - 강설로 설날 교통체증, 대통령 내란혐의 기소 등

by 외눈바기 2025. 1. 27.

최근 국내 영어신문 기사를 통해 유용한 표현을 익혀 봅니다.




< Korea JoongAng Daily >

Headline: Snow, rain worsen road congestion as holiday begins

Summary: Korea started the Lunar New Year holiday with scattered rain and snow showers on Monday, although most areas have seen only a few snowflakes.


헤드라인: 눈과 비로 인해 명절 시작과 함께 도로 혼잡 악화

요약: 한국은 월요일에 산발적인 비와 눈으로 설 연휴를 시작했지만, 대부분의 지역에서는 몇 송이의 눈송이만 관찰되었다.



  • Congestion: 혼잡
    • Snow and rain worsen road congestion as the holiday begins.
  • Scattered: 산발적인
    • There were scattered rain and snow showers on Monday.
  • Showers: 소나기, (짧은 기간의) 비나 눈
    • Snow showers affected the road conditions.
  • Snowflakes: 눈송이
    • Most areas have seen only a few snowflakes.
  • Lunar New Year: 설날
    • Korea started the Lunar New Year holiday with scattered rain.



Snow, rain worsen road congestion as the Lunar New Year holiday begins

Korea started the Lunar New Year holiday with scattered rain and snow showers on Monday, although most areas have seen only a few snowflakes.




< The Korea Times >

Headline: Yoon indicted on insurrection charges tied to martial law

Summary: President Yoon Suk Yeol was indicted Sunday on charges of leading an insurrection tied to last month’s martial law declaration fiasco, becoming the first sitting Korean president to be indicted with detention.


헤드라인: 윤석열, 계엄령 관련 내란 혐의로 기소

요약: 윤석열 대통령이 지난달 계엄령 선언과 관련된 내란 혐의로 일요일에 기소되어, 재임 중 구속 기소된 최초의 한국 대통령이 되었다.



  • Indicted: 기소된
    • President Yoon was indicted on charges of leading an insurrection.
  • Insurrection: 내란, 반란
    • He was charged with leading an insurrection tied to the martial law declaration.
  • Martial law: 계엄령
    • The charges are related to last month’s martial law declaration fiasco.
  • Fiasco: 큰 실패, 낭패
    • The martial law declaration was considered a fiasco.
  • Detention: 구금, 구속
    • He became the first sitting Korean president to be indicted with detention.



Yoon indicted on insurrection charges tied to martial law

President Yoon Suk Yeol was indicted Sunday on charges of leading an insurrection tied to last month’s martial law declaration fiasco, becoming the first sitting Korean president to be indicted with detention.





< The Korea Herald >

Headline: When democracies stumble: comparing South Korea's court riot and the US Capitol attack

Summary: As South Korea faces its own assault on democracy, the world watches to see if it can succeed where the US stumbled after Jan. 6.


헤드라인: 민주주의의 휘청거림: 한국의 법원 폭동과 미국 국회의사당 공격 비교

요약: 한국이 자체적인 민주주의에 대한 공격에 직면함에 따라, 세계는 미국이 1월 6일 이후 휘청거린 곳에서 성공할 수 있을지 지켜보고 있다.



  • Democracies: 민주주의 국가들
    • When democracies stumble, the world takes notice.
  • Stumble: 휘청거리다, 비틀거리다
    • The article compares how democracies stumble in the face of internal assaults.
  • Assault: 공격
    • South Korea faces its own assault on democracy.
  • Riot: 폭동
    • The court riot in South Korea is being compared to the US Capitol attack.
  • Capitol: 미국 국회의사당
    • The US Capitol attack occurred on January 6.



Assault on democracy: Comparing South Korea's court attack and the US Capitol riot

As South Korea faces its own assault on democracy, the world watches to see if it can succeed where the US faltered after Jan. 6. Images from Seoul’s Western District Court on Jan. 19 immediately drew parallels with the infamous Jan. 6, 2021 storming of




#LunarNewYear #congestion #indicted #insurrection #riot

