최근 국내 영어매체 기사를 통해 유용한 표현을 익혀봅니다.
< The Korea Times >
Headline: Air Busan plane fire raises battery fears
Summary: Officials from the transport ministry, police, and fire agencies inspect the damaged aircraft to determine the cause of the fire, with concerns rising over battery safety.
헤드라인: 에어부산 항공기 화재로 배터리 안전 우려 증대
요약: 교통부, 경찰, 소방 당국 관계자들이 손상된 항공기를 검사하여 화재 원인을 조사하고 있으며, 배터리 안전에 대한 우려가 커지고 있다.
- airplane fire, plane fire: 항공기 화재
- Air Busan plane fire raises battery fears
- Inspect: 검사하다, 점검하다
- Officials inspect the damaged aircraft to determine the cause of the fire.
- Damaged: 손상된
- The damaged aircraft is under investigation.
- Determine: 결정하다, 알아내다
- Authorities aim to determine the cause of the incident.
- Concerns: 우려, 걱정
- There are rising concerns over battery safety.
- Battery safety: 배터리 안전
- The incident has raised questions about battery safety.
Air Busan plane fire raises battery fears
Concerns have been raised about the safety risk of bringing portable batteries in carry-on luggage for flights, as a lithium-ion battery is suspected as the cause of the fire that destroyed Air Busan’s passenger plane on Tuesday night.
< The Korea Herald >
Headline: Ultrafine dust to engulf most of South Korea until Thursday
Summary: Fine dust levels are expected to remain high across the country, with conditions improving over the weekend.
헤드라인: 초미세먼지, 목요일까지 한국 대부분 지역 덮칠 예정
요약: 미세먼지 농도가 전국적으로 높게 유지될 것으로 예상되며, 주말에 개선될 전망이다.
- Ultrafine dust: 초미세먼지
- Ultrafine dust levels are rising in urban areas.
- Engulf: 삼키다, 휩싸다
- The city was engulfed in a thick haze.
- Fine dust levels: 미세먼지 농도
- Fine dust levels are monitored daily.
- Conditions improving: 상황 개선
- Weather conditions are expected to improve by the weekend.
Ultrafine dust to engulf most of South Korea until Thursday
Fine dust levels to return to normal over weekend Most of South Korea was covered by thick, ultrafine dust for the second consecutive day Wednesday, with such conditions forecast to continue until Thursday, according to the National Institute of Environmen
< Korea JoongAng Daily >
Headline: Highways jammed as travelers return after holiday
Summary: On Thursday, the final day of the Lunar New Year holiday, highways across the country are experiencing heavy congestion as people return home.
헤드라인: 명절 후 귀경객들로 고속도로 정체
요약: 목요일, 설 연휴 마지막 날을 맞아 전국의 고속도로가 귀경하는 사람들로 인해 심한 혼잡을 겪고 있다.
- Highways: 고속도로
- Highways are congested during peak travel times.
- Jammed: 막힌, 혼잡한
- The roads were jammed with traffic.
- Travelers: 여행자, 이동자
- Travelers faced delays due to the congestion.
- Lunar New Year holiday: 설 연휴
- The Lunar New Year holiday is a major event in many Asian countries.
- Heavy congestion: 심한 혼잡
- Heavy congestion is expected on major routes.
Highways jammed as travelers return after Lunar New Year holiday
On Thursday, the final day of the Lunar New Year holiday, highways across the country are experiencing heavy congestion as people return home. According to the Korea Expressway Corporation, as of 9
< Arirang News >
Headline: South Korea's Constitutional Court rejects impeachment of broadcasting watchdog chief
Summary: The Constitutional Court on Thursday rejected a National Assembly vote to impeach Korea Communications Commission Chairperson Lee Jin-sook.
헤드라인: 헌법재판소, 방송통신위원장 탄핵 기각
요약: 헌법재판소는 목요일에 국회의 이진숙 방송통신위원장에 대한 탄핵 소추를 기각했다.
- Constitutional Court: 헌법재판소
- The Constitutional Court ruled on the case.
- Reject: 기각하다, 거부하다
- The proposal was rejected by the committee.
- Impeachment: 탄핵
- The impeachment process was initiated last month.
- Broadcasting watchdog: 방송 규제 기관
- The broadcasting watchdog oversees media operations.
- Chairperson: 위원장
- The chairperson addressed the assembly.
#영어표현 #영어공부 #항공기화재 영어로 #교통정체 영어로 #미세먼지 농도 영어로 #설 연휴 영어로 #헌법재판소 영어로
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영어신문 유용한 표현 - 비핵화, 초미세먼지, 눈으로 뒤덮힘
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