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영어 기사 유용한 표현 - 반도체회사, 예방조치, 구조작업 영어로

by 외눈바기 2025. 1. 31.

최근 영어 매체 기사를 통해 유용한 표현을 익혀 봅니다.





< Korea JoongAng Daily >

Headline: Chipmakers, Big Tech brace for fallout from DeepSeek breakthrough

Summary: The emergence of DeepSeek's AI, reportedly produced for a fraction of the cost thought necessary, risks upending the entire sector and reshaping the investment and development landscape.


헤드라인: 반도체 제조업체와 빅테크, 딥시크 혁신의 여파에 대비

요약: 딥시크의 AI 출현은 예상보다 훨씬 적은 비용으로 제작되었다고 전해지며, 전체 산업을 뒤흔들고 투자 및 개발 환경을 재편할 위험이 있습니다.



  • chipmaker: 반도체 제조사, 반도체 회사, 반도체 제조회사 = semiconductor manufacturer = chip manufacturer
    • Chipmakers, Big Tech brace for fallout from DeepSeek breakthrough
  • brace for: 대비하다
    • Residents are bracing for the upcoming storm.
  • fallout: 여파, 결과
    • The decision led to unexpected fallout.
  • breakthrough: 획기적인 발전
    • The scientist achieved a major breakthrough in cancer research.
  • upending: 뒤엎다, 전복시키다
    • The new policy is upending traditional practices.
  • reshaping: 재편하다
    • Technological advancements are reshaping the industry.



Chipmakers, Big Tech brace for fallout from DeepSeek breakthrough

The emergence of DeepSeek's AI, reportedly produced for a fraction of the cost thought necessary, risks upending the entire sector and reshaping the investment and development landscape.







< The Korea Times >

Headline: Neuroscientist's book on psychology of obeying unlawful orders resonates in Korea

Summary: A neuroscientist's recent publication delves into the psychological mechanisms that lead individuals to comply with illegal commands, striking a chord with the Korean audience.


한국어 번역: 신경과학자의 최근 저서는 개인이 불법 명령에 따르게 되는 심리적 메커니즘을 탐구하며, 한국 독자들에게 큰 반향을 일으키고 있다.



  • Resonate: (동사) 공감하다, 반향을 일으키다.
    • The author's message resonated with many readers.
  • Comply: (동사) 따르다, 준수하다.
    • Employees must comply with company policies.
  • Mechanism: (명사) 메커니즘, 구조, 체계.
    • The mechanism of action for the drug is not fully understood.



Neuroscientist's book on psychology of obeying unlawful orders resonates in Korea

Ryu Hyuk, former inspector general of the Ministry of Justice, was having what he described as an 'exceedingly tranquil day” on the evening of Dec. 3, 2024.





< The Korea Times >

Headline: Air Busan plane fire raises battery fears

Summary: A recent fire on an Air Busan flight has heightened concerns over the safety of lithium-ion batteries in aviation. Investigations are underway to determine the cause and implement preventive measures.


헤드라인: 에어부산 항공기 화재로 배터리 안전 우려 증대

요약: 최근 에어부산 항공기에서 발생한 화재로 항공기 내 리튬이온 배터리의 안전성에 대한 우려가 커지고 있습니다. 원인 규명 및 예방 조치를 위한 조사가 진행 중입니다.



  • heightened concerns: 우려가 높아지다
    • The incident heightened concerns over aviation safety.
  • lithium-ion batteries: 리튬이온 배터리
    • Lithium-ion batteries are commonly used in electronic devices.
  • aviation: 항공
    • Aviation safety is a top priority for airlines.
  • preventive measures: 예방 조치
    • The company is implementing preventive measures to avoid future incidents.




Air Busan plane fire raises battery fears

Two aviation accidents within a month - the deadly Jeju Air crash at Muan International Airport on Dec. 29, which claimed 179 lives, and a passenger plane fire during the Lunar New...





< The Korea Times >

Headline: 18 bodies recovered after Washington plane crash: CBS

Summary: Rescue operations continue as 18 bodies have been recovered following a plane crash near Washington's Reagan National Airport. The incident involved an American Airlines flight.



헤드라인: 워싱턴 비행기 추락 사고로 18구의 시신 수습: CBS 보도

요약: 워싱턴 레이건 내셔널 공항 근처에서 발생한 비행기 추락 사고로 18구의 시신이 수습되었으며, 구조 작업이 계속되고 있습니다. 해당 사고는 아메리칸 항공 소속 비행기에서 발생했습니다.



  • Rescue operations: 구조 작업
    • Rescue operations continue as 18 bodies have been recovered.
  • Reagan National Airport: 레이건 내셔널 공항
    • The crash occurred near Washington's Reagan National Airport.
  • American Airlines: 아메리칸 항공
    • The incident involved an American Airlines flight.



18 bodies recovered after Washington plane crash: CBS

At least 28 bodies were pulled from the icy waters of the Potomac River after an American Airlines jet carrying 60 passengers and four crew members collided with an Army helicopter...




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2025.01.30 - [외눈영어] - 영어 기사 유용한 표현 - 항공기 화재, 교통 정체


영어 기사 유용한 표현 - 항공기 화재, 교통 정체

최근 국내 영어매체 기사를 통해 유용한 표현을 익혀봅니다.  Headline: Air Busan plane fire raises battery fearsSummary: Officials from the transport ministry, police, and fire agencies inspect the damaged aircraft to determine the c




2025.01.30 - [외눈영어] - 영어신문 유용한 표현 - 비핵화, 초미세먼지, 눈으로 뒤덮힘


영어신문 유용한 표현 - 비핵화, 초미세먼지, 눈으로 뒤덮힘

최근 국내 영어신문 기사를 통해 유용한 표현을 익혀 봅니다.   Headline: Trump will pursue complete denuclearization of N. Korea: White HouseSummary: U.S. President Donald Trump will pursue the "complete denuclearization of North Ko



